The GPS system has eliminated many of the perils associated with common recreational activities.
It has achieved this by providing a capability to determine an accurate location.
GPS enabled devices have also broadened the scope and enjoyment of activities performed outdoors by simplifying many of the traditional problems, such as staying on the “correct trail” or returning to the best fishing spot.

Exploration of the outdoors carries with it many dangers, one of the most important of which is the potential for becoming lost in unfamiliar or dangerous territory.
Hikers, bicyclists, and outdoor adventurers are increasingly relying on GPS instead of traditional paper maps, compasses, or landmarks.
Paper maps are often outdated, and compasses and landmarks may not provide the precise location information necessary to avoid venturing into unfamiliar areas.
Additionally lack of visibility and adverse weather patterns may also contribute to imprecise navigation results.

GPS tech used with mapping online has helped to overcome much of the traditional issues associated with unbounded exploration.
GPS devices allow users to safely explore trails with the confidence of knowing where they are at all times, as well as how to return to their starting point.
One of the benefits is the ability to record points of interest (waypoints) and return to them.
Similarly, fishermen will typically use GPS to continually stay located within a specific area, their direction, speed, distance to travel and other various chart plotting functions.

Another advantage in newer GPS devices is the ability to transfer data to a server for storage.

Mountainbike riders can look up trails to ride which are based on GPS co-ordinates, as well as ensuring they stay on the trial, preventing them from becoming lost.

Golfers use the Global Positioning System to measure exact distances within the course and improve their par.
Other uses include boating, snow sports and recreational aviation.

GPS tech has spawned entirely new sports and outdoor activities.
An example of this is geocaching, a treasure hunt game which provides a fantastic day out.

GPS modernization efforts.

Through industrial GPS applications such as commerce and transport, the

Many GPS augmentation systems that were created in several countries for transportation and commerce are now also being widely used for recreational purposes.

Plans to modernize GPS will result in even greater reliability and availability for all recreational users, such as signal strength under a dense forest cover, during bad weather and even indoors.